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St Pauli Pre Match Entertainment Update


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I can't remember if it was discussed here but when this was announced on the facebook page last week, it, quite rightly, got slated as an even that appeared to appeal solely to the supporters of a team who aren't even taking part in the game but who will no doubt be in appearance.

I was quite vocal in my criticism of the event for this reason, but they have today posted an update on the website, which appears to have addressed the concerns that it featured nothing for Pars fans, nor did it showcase any talent we have in our own city. 


I'm happy with the explanation of why they went with The Wakes, and that they appear to have listened to the criticisms but this could all have been avoided if they had just done this properly in the first place as they made a complete arse of it.

On a side note, the timetable at the bottom of that update has the KO as 7pm, has this changed as I thought I'd read it was 1930?


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58 minutes ago, Piracy said:

Well that's the love in started.



I don't mind it generally.

Like Nick Teller said a year or so ago, we have been trying to get our name and 'brand' a bit wider recognition for a while and this does this no harm at all. He was one of the sponsors at a huge football event in Germany, under the name of the Pars, and it's wee things like this that make folk go, 'who are The Pars/Dunfermline?' where they might look us up and see our own history as a club and gain an interest, long distance or otherwise, which is no bad thing.

St Pauli are a well known club and it's often been said, by the likes of Ross McArthur that they (Fussball GMBH) chose us due to our values as a club in regards to community and inclusion etc so if we hang onto their coat tails a wee bit, outside of our own pond and get a wee bit of notice, it can't be a bad thing commercially speaking. 

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I quite like it, the clubs going to get a few things wrong trying things like these out. I get the critics regarding the choice of band but I'm sure they've done a few St Pauli events in the past.

I think its great, **** Celtic and the hangers on jumping on the St Pauli bandwagon. I hope we can organize further things like this with other clubs. Gets the name out there. 

I'd love us to be European fans favorite underdogs. Few more sub's to pars TV and some club goods on the go. 

Gutted I can't make this as its sandwiched between a Stag and wedding weekends. 

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I'm very much in favour of commercial decisions that could lead to more success on the pitch and agree st pauli aren't a bad club to be linked too but overall there's a certain unease about being seen as a group. I don't look at st pauli results and couldn't give a **** if they win or lose and tbh I feel it could be a bit condescending if others look at us and give us little pats on the back cos we're they're 'Scottish team' Each club has its own identity and are involved in a game which is entirely about smashing every other club,  It could be reasonably argued that we aren't direct competitors but if you gave me the option of them going under never to return for a very small gain for us i'd take it every time.

Edited by parsforlife
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On 16/06/2023 at 18:21, SanguinePar said:

Get what you're saying @Digs, but to me this looks like the ultimate in wee team mentality, trying to associate ourselves with the cool big German club.

It'll likely make a bit of money, but it's a bit embarrassing IMO.

Or Sanguine it is a German club associating itself with a Scottish team that has a cool big history in European games.

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I'm missing the love in sh*te. Regarding fans, I can't be ***ed with the Celtic connection turning up on the day, no issue with St Pauli fans obviously.

The Wakes are from Glasgow, they're Celtic fans, linked to St Pauli directly because of their political/cultural ideals, cross fertilisation. I'm aligned with them politically in a lot of ways, but that's nothing to do with my supporting of a football club. The two things are seperate as I don't like political or religious ethos defining a football club. We've got our own identity within our community, our own history to be proud of, ourselves to sell to the world as a Scottish footballing institution. That should be what we're selling on the day, not our arse to another club.

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Beginning to look forward to tonight's game I think it should be decent, but with most friendlies it will be typically a bounce match. However it will be good to see a very familiar Pars side playing again after the success of last season. Was hoping to have seen perhaps a couple of "new" signings but plenty of time for that. Anyway I hear there are a few Celtic fans kicking about the toon  WTF is that aboot? 🤣 COYP

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