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22 minutes ago, Secure Par said:

So I presume there is a them/us situation between the directors and Germans? Our directors are now trying to sort the mess out and Meggle etc will step back? 

We still have to work with them as they hold all the aces as majority shareholders.

I think our board will try to make this divorce amicable. I wouldn't want all out war that could force the owners to sell to the first buyer and we end up out the frying pan and into the fire. Hopefully there is some consideration for the clubs future when selling to the next owner.

Meggle though, well there isn't really a need for him now. The GMBH football vision is over and he is irrelevent to us now. He can do one as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by Tartan Army Par
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1 hour ago, Superally said:

. Disappointed that the media headline even from the BBC is they are "moving on because of fan negativity" we need to get on top of this quickly and put forward a positive vibe  to encourage potential investors    

Some have gone with that , mostly by journalists who are raging their being asked to write a non OF article and when they only read the statement that is the theme. The guys who pay attention to lower league have got the narrative much better. The Allan Temple courier article for example utterly tears their bollocks apart

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To be fair to the press (I know, I know) it's factually true that the owners have said that. And a hint of conflict is always good for an attention grabbing headlines - if it bleeds, it leads and all that.

But it's certainly galling to see that angle taken at face value without any counter argument.

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Now the question is what does Mr Cook do now… he’s caught in the middle I presume having a meeting with full board/investors then has to go back with both having different ways to go forward etc… 

Cook has to come out and give his point of view etc as he should be the guy to tell the supporters what is going on?

I also think McPake should speak out about what restrictions he had as I heard 8 players he wanted in were turned down…I can believe that now.

Once all this is out in the open then the club/fans need to push on and show those Germans we can progress! 

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36 minutes ago, Secure Par said:

Now the question is what does Mr Cook do now… he’s caught in the middle I presume having a meeting with full board/investors then has to go back with both having different ways to go forward etc… 

Cook has to come out and give his point of view etc as he should be the guy to tell the supporters what is going on?

Cook's name has been put to the local directors statement,  I'd say he's onboard with the pars united group. I suspect over the next few weeks gbmh influence will be gone from day to day operations if they aren't already and until they trigger the loan agreement which I suspect will be done immediately before a sale he'll be answering to pars united. 

I can't see any director coming out on their own for quite a while yet with comment, We have two clear groups and at least for the next few months they will make sure they act as groups and not individuals.


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We’ve seen two statements in two days. The first a one-sided rant, lashing out at the lifeblood of the club, the fans. The second short and to the point. I think we can read a lot into which group has the best wishes of the Pars at heart and which cares more about their own egos.

I am confident that the local directors can remain calm and professional and work with GmbH to help manage their exit.  Hopefully the plans will come to fruition quickly and the focus can return to the first team.

James McPake has a lot of work to do but I think he deserves a chance to pull the team out of the current predicament using the funds agreed this week.

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