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11 minutes ago, Pars_Andy said:

But you need to look at our track record. Crawford was pretty much hated as a player, and as a manager despite achieving consecutive year on year improvements. He just never endeared himself to the fans in the same way Joe Cardle inexplicably has, despite being a far more accomplished player. Nicky Clark apparently only got a game because of his dad. Chalmers could play like Messi and still get abuse for 90 minutes. We have a fairly consistent record of making life miserable for pretty decent people. If we go behind in a game the fans just pretty much yell abuse from that point on and defend the fact  that they’re abusing 20 yr olds because they ‘pay their money’. I genuinely don’t think we deserve a club sometimes. 

This is in no way unique to Dunfermline.

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24 minutes ago, Pars_Andy said:

But you need to look at our track record. Crawford was pretty much hated as a player, and as a manager despite achieving consecutive year on year improvements. He just never endeared himself to the fans in the same way Joe Cardle inexplicably has, despite being a far more accomplished player. Nicky Clark apparently only got a game because of his dad. Chalmers could play like Messi and still get abuse for 90 minutes. We have a fairly consistent record of making life miserable for pretty decent people. If we go behind in a game the fans just pretty much yell abuse from that point on and defend the fact  that they’re abusing 20 yr olds because they ‘pay their money’. I genuinely don’t think we deserve a club sometimes. 

You could pretty much substitute any team/players for those you mentioned.

Our fans are no better or worse than the rest of the Championship. 

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4 hours ago, parsforlife said:

This, especially the bit in bold.

The landscape of Scottish football hasn't changed drastically or become any less stable since they got involved (indeed lead by McArthur the income of spfl championship clubs is more stable as prize money is more evenly distributed)

Maybe I'm wrong but I also don't think our fan demands have been increased or become more short term than they got involved.

The stuff about players being turned from hero's to villains in the space of a few months being a surprise is utterly incredible. Have they paid any attention to football before now? Your only as good as your last game as the saying goes and fans being fickle isn't a dunfermline thing or a Scottish football thing Christ I'm not even sure it's a football or even a sport thing, just watch people turn when they're favourite band releases an album they don't like or when the latest film in a franchise is received poorly.

Despite the end of the statement saying it's not sour grapes the majority of the statement reads like it, they could have provided the crucial information in a paragraph or two, but their egos took over and it ends up reading like a 12 year old badly handling a breakup.

Overall, this needed to happen, I hope the right person/group comes in and the process doesn't drag on too long.

What happens to the loan in the meantime? I don't see anything in it that explains what would happen in this situation. I'm not too worried about it but it add a complexion.

I interpreted the part of the statement that says something like “PUCIC remain as the majority shareholder, for now” as they would take the option to convert the loan to shares. This presumably would be required in order for them to sell ownership of the club (otherwise they’d only be selling a minority shareholding). They might also consider it a way to minimise their losses as I would presume if they called the loan in we’d have no reasonable means of repaying it.

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17 minutes ago, Pars_Andy said:

But you need to look at our track record. Crawford was pretty much hated as a player, and as a manager despite achieving consecutive year on year improvements. He just never endeared himself to the fans in the same way Joe Cardle inexplicably has, despite being a far more accomplished player. Nicky Clark apparently only got a game because of his dad. Chalmers could play like Messi and still get abuse for 90 minutes. We have a fairly consistent record of making life miserable for pretty decent people. If we go behind in a game the fans just pretty much yell abuse from that point on and defend the fact  that they’re abusing 20 yr olds because they ‘pay their money’. I genuinely don’t think we deserve a club sometimes. 

Look at every other club. Genuinely, pick a result over this weekend you think was a bit of a shock against a club going through a tough spell. Find a forum or a Facebook page, or for maximum breakdowns an non-affiliated fan vlog of the losing team, you'll see plenty of negative statements, loads of stuff that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.  Stuff that makes .net or a booing home crowd seem tame as ****.

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41 minutes ago, Digs said:

Do you remember what he said to you when you were asking difficult questions at that fan meeting about why they weren’t converting their shares and what the dangers of that might be?

”Im a Pars fan, do you think I would let that happen?..” (followed by condescending smirk)

Sounds like, given the article in the courier where it came as a surprise to him and the rest of the Scottish directors that he wasn’t capable of ‘not allowing’ anything. 


Yeah I remember it well. It's worth going back and reading their prepared answers to my questions back in March from that meeting. It's embarrassing, it's also why I declined the offer of going to another supporters night. I couldn't see any effective way of highlighting my own concerns effectively enough through those taking the meetings. I tried seeking worthwhile anseers and the answers were jive talking. That's an uncomfortable situation, and I was becoming increasingly frustrated at the situation. Believe it or not, it was becoming depressing. Nobody wants this, its only a fitbaw club after all.

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43 minutes ago, Pars_Andy said:

But you need to look at our track record. Crawford was pretty much hated as a player, and as a manager despite achieving consecutive year on year improvements. He just never endeared himself to the fans in the same way Joe Cardle inexplicably has, despite being a far more accomplished player. Nicky Clark apparently only got a game because of his dad. Chalmers could play like Messi and still get abuse for 90 minutes. We have a fairly consistent record of making life miserable for pretty decent people. If we go behind in a game the fans just pretty much yell abuse from that point on and defend the fact  that they’re abusing 20 yr olds because they ‘pay their money’. I genuinely don’t think we deserve a club sometimes. 

Think you must be stuck in a little Dunfermline bubble. It mirrors what goes on at every club. Pars fans are no different to any other fans. I go to many other Scottish football matches and hear the exact same stuff from other teams.

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25 minutes ago, StuPar82 said:

They might also consider it a way to minimise their losses as I would presume if they called the loan in we’d have no reasonable means of repaying it.

I was under the impression the loans were ONLY repayable in exchange for shares. They'd never be directly repaid with cold hard cash.

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1 hour ago, kelty_par said:

Need to hear from our Scottish board members! Courier article saying they were shocked and are happy to see funds released to the manager. Sounds like they are as unhappy as the rest of us 

Here’s my concern. If the “Scottish board” had no idea that this was coming, is that not a damning indictment of their running of the club ? 

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13 minutes ago, da_no_1 said:

I was under the impression the loans were ONLY repayable in exchange for shares. They'd never be directly repaid with cold hard cash.

I am doing this from memory from what was published at the time but I thought the way it was structure was it had an embedded option whereby they could chose to exercise the option to redeem it for shares. I could be wrong though.

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"Nevertheless we have felt for a while now, probably since the middle of last season, that long term planning and putting in place the building blocks for future success is not what many are looking for. Many seem to prefer an investor who has deep pockets to throw at the first team and try for the best over and over again each season."



Oh please. Long term planning and building blocks for the future are vital, nobody sensible disputes that.

But there has to be some balance, and leaving us so short of players 2 games into the season is tipping the scales far too far. 

Nobody is asking for a Tod Boehly approach. Just that we have enough players to fill the bench, a bit of cover should our goalie get injured, that sort of thing. It's really not too much to ask.

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10 minutes ago, StuPar82 said:

I am doing this from memory from what was published at the time but I thought the way it was structure was it had an embedded option whereby they could chose to exercise the option to redeem it for shares. I could be wrong though.

There's no real choice. The only choice is take their shares or lose their money.

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